Miya Huang

Differences between constructivism and connectivism, the most interested edtech trend

Connectivism and constructivism both emphasize that learning is a process of construction. Individuals actively construct systems within their minds according to their own needs in the process of contact with the external environment and things. And both of them emphasize the role of experience, believing that in the process of system construction, the original experience determines the acquisition of new knowledge.
Connectivism is an expansion based on behaviorism, while constructivism is an expansion based on cognitivism. The origins of these two theories are different. Secondly, Connectivism emphasizes the influence of networks and technology, something that constructivism does not have.

In Weller’s (2018) article, the edtech trend I am most interested in is 2007: Second Life and Virtual Worlds. Because I think the online virtual world is very interesting. Especially when each college and university creates its own island, I think this part is exciting. It also mentioned that the professor could even use a seven-foot-tall purple cat as an image representative for the class. I have never experienced such a thing before, so when I think of a purple cat teaching seriously, I find it very funny.
I think my choice of edtech trend and Connectivism are related. Because Second Life and Virtual Worlds is an attempt by colleges and universities for online virtual classrooms and online teaching, these universities and colleges realized the development potential and importance of the network, so they chose to try. Connectivism emphasizes the influence of technology and the Internet, and Connectivism believes that learning is distributed in real or virtual social networks-which is what second life and virtual worlds try to do. Second Life and Virtual Worlds built the learning classroom in the virtual world and tried to use virtual characters to integrate into the Internet atmosphere. In general, this is a good attempt, although the result is not very good.
In this chapter, I learned a lot about constructivism and Connectivism. I realize that we are completely surrounded by technology in the digital age, and the speed of technological change is far from showing signs of slowing down. Technology has had a significant impact on our work, life, and how people communicate and connect. The way we learn and the way we acquire knowledge is also increasing. Therefore, schools and teachers are facing tremendous changes and challenges. I hope to learn more about online classroom information.

Works Cited

Weller, Martin. 25 Years of Ed Tech, AU Press, 2020.

Replies to group members

Hi Chloe,

I think your explanation of Constructivism and connectivism is very clear and detailed, especially when comparing their differences. I like the part you said that the goal of connectivism is to fully embrace all the possibilities that network-based learning can provide. I also think this part is a distinctive feature different from Constructivism.

I am also very interested in open educational resources. I think this is a very important part of online learning.

Hi Huatian,

Nice post! About Constructivism and connectivism you explained very carefully and wrote very well!

I really like the AI part you said! I also think that human emotions and thoughts cannot be copied into the code. AI’s learning ability is indeed very strong, but whether it can really be humanized remains to be discussed.

Hi Haoxian,

I have read on your topic/subject on Digital Badges. They are definitely a great way to motivate students and even adult learners to engage more in what they are learning; as they will gain an incentive and recognition in themselves by doing so. Many school systems have been hard at work researching what works best to engage students in learning such as handing out treats and awards for multiple occasions, this also helps in competitive tasks as said students will certainly try to strive for an award looking forward to gaining more. I myself would love to get a badge!

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